Category - Humanity

What If COVID-19 Never Disappears?

How would you feel if this never ended? Despite all of the masks, tests, and vaccinations, there is no guarantee that COVID-19 will ever disappear. But stick with me on...

What If Lightsabers Were Real?

Do you long for an elegant weapon from a more civilized age? Something less clumsy and random. As you hone your sensitivity to the Force, you may wonder. What if...

What If There Were No Music?

Whether you enjoy rock music, or pop, or if classical or jazz takes your fancy, we all love music. But what if we had never invented music? No, rhythms, no melodies...

What If Poltergeists Were Real?

Where do they come from? How do we get rid of them? And how much drama is a poltergeist going to cause me? OK, so exactly what is a poltergeist? Well, a poltergeist is a...