What If Every Planet Had a Twin?

Our Solar System has eight planets, a few dwarf planets and more than 200 moons. But wait. Are you seeing double? Or did every planet suddenly get a twin? Where would...

What If Earth Froze Overnight?

Overnight, our planet has gone from a pale blue dot to a glistening white snowglobe. Stretches of Earth have become frozen wastelands that are completely inhospitable...

What If Lightsabers Were Real?

Do you long for an elegant weapon from a more civilized age? Something less clumsy and random. As you hone your sensitivity to the Force, you may wonder. What if...

What If America Were Split Apart?

The Big One. Those three words make locals along the West Coast of North America shudder with fear. This area is plagued by earthquakes. But hey, at least they are ready...

What If We Discovered Earth 2.0?

Could there be an even better planet for us than Earth? Scientists are searching for a superhabitable world that wouldn’t just rival Earth, but be a place where life...

What If We Nuked Jupiter?

Jupiter may be the biggest planet in the Solar System, but its days are numbered. Because today, we’re using Earth’s biggest, baddest bombs to blow the gas giant...

What If the Moon Never Formed?

The moon has been our friendly neighbour in the sky for billions of years. It has guided us home, kept us on time, protected us, propelled us into space and has even...