
What If Europa Were Earth’s Moon?

Alright, I think it’s time for a change-up. Let’s do a little spring cleaning, and redecorate our Solar System. Now, I know you’re a big fan of the Moon, but it’s so...

What If There Were No Music?

Whether you enjoy rock music, or pop, or if classical or jazz takes your fancy, we all love music. But what if we had never invented music? No, rhythms, no melodies...

What If Giant Bugs Roamed the Earth?

Have you ever felt a surge of adrenaline when you stomped on a bug? Well, imagine how this guy is about to feel. Call the army, heck, call your mom, because the end is...

What If Jupiter Swallowed Earth?

Scroll to the bottom to watch our video. The Earth has been hurtling towards Jupiter for the past 242 days, and now it’s about to make impact. Now we’re so...

What If Earth Froze Overnight?

Overnight, our planet has gone from a pale blue dot to a glistening white snowglobe. Stretches of Earth have become frozen wastelands that are completely inhospitable...

What If Humans Were Immortal?

Imagine the possibilities that would come with living forever! You could spend more time with loved ones, master a variety of careers, and travel the entire world! If...