
Category - Survival

How to Survive a Gorilla Attack

Imagine you are hiking high in the mountains of Rwanda in East Africa. You take in the beautiful sights and sounds and ready your camera phone for that perfect shot...

How to Survive a Hippo Attack

There are three words that put the fear of death into the very bravest of souls. Three words to make your blood run cold. Hungry.Hungry. Hippos. While they make look...

How to Survive Without Sleep

The deadline is looming. You’re tossing and turning. So much is going through your head. Oh no, it’s already 2 a.m. The anxiety is increasing and sleep is...

How to Survive a Human Stampede

Have you ever been at a music festival, sporting event or a parade and felt just a little too crowded? As fun as crowd surfing, mosh pits, or cheering on your favorite...

How to Survive a Fire Tornado

A raging wildfire has broken out in the nearby forest. Endless billows of smoke are blackening the sky. But you notice something strange happening. The clouds of smoke...

How to Survive a Dam Break

You’re curled up at home, safe and dry, while it pours outside. It’s been an unusually rainy season and, unfortunately, the local dam wasn’t designed very well. In fact...