These balls represent one of the strangest phenomena currently taking place in our Universe. Each ball symbolizes one of 100,000 galaxies — including our own...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] Reports suggest that by the year 2030, 800 million jobs will be lost to automation. Will yours be one of them? We...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] Stars with a much larger mass than our Sun burn out after just a few million years; in a gigantic explosion known as...
Are you religious? If you are, a huge part of your life is probably shaped by your beliefs and religious community. If you’re not, you might stare with bewilderment at...
Under the pressure of crushing economic sanctions, Russia’s straining to play its own intimidation game. This time, they are threatening to take the International...
What if, someday, we decided that the usefulness of our planet had run its course, and humans needed to scour space to find somewhere new to live? But instead of...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] If you could travel faster than the speed of light, where would you go? Mars? The nearest star system Alpha Centauri...
Almost 75% of the world’s tornadoes occur in the United States, which means that about 1,300 tornadoes hit the U.S. every year. Most of these tornadoes occur between...
Our planet has seen this before. Its ice has already melted. Water levels have risen. Ocean currents have already stopped. The last time this happened was 13,000 years...
One hundred twenty light-years from us, there is an exoplanet that can potentially host life. It’s called K2-18b, and it’s the world you’d want to...
Black holes aren’t exactly a popular vacation destination. They feed on anything and everything that comes into their vicinity. They are dense, and unpredictably...
In some of the wealthiest corners of the world, the very rich are putting their money towards building underground bunkers to survive the apocalypse. These subterranean...
They’re in your yard, on your walls, in your attic, and there’s probably one near you right now. The thought of these creepy crawlers might make you want to go on an...
You think you’re watching TikTok, but in reality, it’s watching you. Yeah, those cute, fun little videos come at a high price. Your privacy. But now this app...
We can build really big things in space. Okay, not that big – yet. But we’ve packed the Earth’s lower orbit with about 5,000 satellites – some...
Our lungs might be fine in that short a time frame, but the rest of the planet? Not so much.
Jupiter is home to some big storms. Like the massive Great Red Spot, which has been swirling on the gas giant for centuries. Why don’t we bring it to Earth and see what...
Get your bone flute and gather around the fire. Today on What If, we’re taking you back to the time of woolly mammoths and saber-toothed cats. That’s right...
Really slow. So what if evolution had the same mindset, and decided to take its time before getting rid of some prehistoric creatures? What if the giant sloth was still...
Where do they come from? How do we get rid of them? And how much drama is a poltergeist going to cause me? OK, so exactly what is a poltergeist? Well, a poltergeist is a...