
What If We Created No Waste?

In the Pacific Ocean, north of the equator, there’s a growing, “floating island” of trash that’s twice the size of Texas, and three times the...

What If Planet Nine Exists?

Legend has it that somewhere beyond Neptune and Pluto, there is a ninth planet, with a mass that is five times greater than Earth’s. Planet Nine, also known by its...

What If We Killed All Spiders?

They’re in your yard, on your walls, in your attic, and there’s probably one near you right now. The thought of these creepy crawlers might make you want to go on an...

What If the Oceans Caught Fire?

You thought forest fires were bad? Wait till you hear about ocean fires. Yes, that’s right. The sea bursting into a fiery hellscape. What if every ocean on Earth...

What If We Killed All Mosquitoes?

They’re the deadliest thing on Earth. They suck your blood and spread disease, killing nearly one million people each year. Are we talking about vampires? Lions...

What If the Sun Swallowed Earth?

The Sun’s core is shrinking. But as its core shrinks, the Sun itself grows larger. And it will continue to grow, until one day, it engulfs the Earth. How long can you...

What If it Rained Volcanic Glass?

This is not some harmless hair. It’s volcanic glass and it could turn your life into an itchy, blistering existence. Uh oh. Looks like today’s forecast is volcanic...