Category - Survival

How to Survive a Mega Tornado

It’s a cloudy afternoon, perfect to relax, watching the rain from the couch. But wait. What’s that in the sky? Is that a tornado? Oh, yes, but this is a Mega Tornado and...

How to Survive Eating Mold

Um mold. What? Yup, some mold is delicious, like the one in blue cheese. But what about that strawberry you just bit into, what is that strange flavor? Could that be...

How to Survive Murder Hornets

There’s that oh-so-familiar sound off in the distance. It seems pretty far away, so there’s not much to worry about. Wait! It’s getting louder. Should...

How to Survive a Charging Bull

When you’re partying on the streets of Pamplona, get ready for an intense nine day celebration. But offend this guest of honor, and you may be the one seeing red...

How to Survive a Car Crash

Forget to answer that text, and dinner could be ruined. But take your eyes off the road, and you could eat your next meal through a straw. Brace for impact. Modern...

How to Survive a Tiger Attack

Carol Baskin was wrong. Tigers are not big, cuddly cats. And as you find yourself with one on top of you, you’d better hope you don’t become a rodent in this...

How to Survive a Lion Attack

This is no Simba. Unlike the song, this lion is not sleeping tonight. Instinct kicks in, and you begin to run, but even the fastest human on Earth, Usain Bolt, with his...

How to Survive an Alien Invasion

With over decades of films and convincing radio plays, aliens have captivated our imaginations and our worst fears. They’ve come in all shapes and sizes, looking...