
What If Algae Took Over the Oceans?

Would you take your next vacation to this slimy beach? Well, what if most of our beaches were starting to look like this, because our oceans were quickly being taken...

What If You Fell Into Lake Vostok?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to explore one of Jupiter’s moons without ever leaving Earth? Or what would happen to your body under a monstrous...

What If We Painted Earth White?

Imagine a white picket fence around a white house, with a white driveway and a white car. And it’s not just your house that’s white. It’s also the road...

What If You Moved an Entire City?

Coastal cities across the globe are planning how they will keep the sea away as it rises. One solution? Just move the city. How much would it cost? How do you lift a...

What If the Ice Age Never Happened?

Imagine Earth covered in thick sheets of ice. And sea levels so low you could walk to a different continent. This is what our planet would look like during an ice age...