
How to Survive “Top Gun”

It looks exhilarating in the movie “Top Gun,” but flying a fighter jet could be one of the worst things you’ll ever experience. You’ll soar...

What If You Had Camouflage Skin?

When you face an uncomfortable situation, you might choose to run and hide. But wouldn’t it be easier if you could suddenly blend into your surroundings? In what ways...

What If the Sun Was a Blue Star?

Billions of years in the future, the Sun will begin to die. And this is what our planet would look like. But what if we turn things up a notch or two right now...

How To Survive A Koala Attack

They’re cute, they’re cuddly and they’re vicious. Koala bears might not be known for their attacks, but their sharp claws and strong teeth show that...

How to Survive Eating Raw Meat

You’ve had a rare steak before, but this is just ridiculous. Believe it or not, some people’s diets consist of all raw meat, all the time. But wouldn’t...

What If the Moon Was Flat?

No, that’s not Photoshop. That’s an actual video from the International Space Station of the Moon looking a bit squished. Wow, so what happened here? Is the...

What If You Didn’t Blink for a Week?

Welcome to the longest staring contest of your life. You’re about to go seven days without blinking. What device would keep your eyes forced open? How long would it take...

What If You Didn’t Treat Head Lice?

Uncontrollable itching. Sleepless nights. Incredible stench. Uh oh, it looks like you could have a head lice infestation. Where would you get the lice from? How fast...

What If You Were Born on the Moon?

Greetings, future moonling. That’s right. You are among the first generation of children born on the Moon. How would your birth compare to every previous human’s...