Category - Body

What If You Mated With an Alien?

It’s a beautiful night. Just you, a bottle of wine and your partner drifting through the cosmos in a UFO. As your caress their green skin, you know that...

What If You Had a Botfly Infestation?

Under your skin, a parasite could be eating you alive until it develops into this horrifying insect, the botfly. So what would happen if botflies infested your body? How...

What If You Aged Backwards?

Take a look at yourself. Are you a very old baby or a baby-like old person? Uh oh. Your biological clock is moving backward. What would your body look like at different...

What If You Stepped on a Rusty Nail?

Yikes. You just stepped on a nail. Worse yet. A really rusty nail. What would all that rust do to your body? How long would you have before an infection kicked in? And...