Category - Body

What If Everyone Lived for 150 Years?

Would you like to live forever? That may not be possible yet. But what if I told you your body could technically last for 150 years? What should you do to live that long...

What If You Ate 1 Million Mealworms?

These nasty critters can survive a dip in your stomach acid. And today, they’re the only things on the menu. So tuck in your bib and loosen your belt. You’re...

What If Men Could Get Pregnant?

Mood changes, morning sickness and a slow, painful death. That’s what pregnancy would look like for a man. How could men even get pregnant? Why would a pregnancy...

What If You Drank Toilet Water?

Our water supply is limited. By the year 2025, 66% of humans around the world might face water shortages. But I know where to find delicious fresh water. The toilet...