Category - Survival

How to Survive a Stalker

You’re alone at night when you hear a noise in your house. Your heart is racing as you go to check it out. You go to check your room. And there’s someone...

How to Survive a Dinosaur Attack

A new dinosaur-themed amusement park with real dinosaurs just opened. And you’re part of the first group of visitors. Suddenly a scream pierces your ears. You turn...

How to Survive a Cat Bite

They’re cute, they’re cuddly, and — they’re deadly? That’s right, your furry feline friend might look like they’re inviting you in for a...

How to Survive Being Vaccinated

After more than a year of self-isolation, you finally get the call. It’s your turn to get the COVID-19 vaccine. You can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel...

How to Survive a Bridge Collapse

You’re stuck in traffic in the middle of a large bridge, and the ground begins shaking violently. Suddenly, the bridge cracks open, and the cars in front of you...