What if, instead of Trump or Biden becoming the next U.S. President, there was a third-party candidate? And that candidate was Elon Musk? What if Elon Musk became the...
Imagine an entire network of flying cars zooming around 2,000 meters (6,561 feet) above our congested city streets. Your morning commute would be a lot different up...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] If you had a device designed to freeze time for everything but you, life wouldn’t be anything like what...
Did you know that you ladies spend about 2,300 days of your life menstruating? That amounts to about 10,400 tampons or pads, over 5,000 pills for your cramps, and about...
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln Even if the world today is more...
With so many varieties in our skin tones, hair colors, and features, the human race is a marvel of evolution. But what if we all decided to preserve our family traits...
December is a very special month in many countries around the world. No, not because of Christmas. Because it’s baby-making month. Studies show December may have the...
Uh-oh. Looks like somebody left the gas running on Jupiter. Don’t do anything stupid, like lighting a humongous match. What would a match need to be made of to ignite...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] What if Jupiter gained just a little bit more mass during its formation period, and then ignited to become a star...
The Big Rip, the ultimate fate of our Universe. It will be a cosmic event that will tear apart galaxies, one by one. Stars, planets, you, everything will be eviscerated...
Hang on because we’re about to screech to a halt. That’s right. The Earth is going to stop spinning for five seconds. How much damage would this sudden stoppage cause...
The sky appears darker. The temperature is starting to drop. Our rivers are freezing, crops are covered in snow! People could go hungry. Is it just me, or is the Sun...
As Earth’s population multiplies each year, we’re quickly running out of resources to feed the planet. Before long, we’re going to need more space to...
Have you ever wondered what dinosaurs were afraid of? What creature, in the Cretaceous period, made taking a drink of water a dangerous gamble? I’m talking about...
Tyrannosaurus Rex. King of the tyrant lizards. It’s 6 meters tall (20 feet), 12 meters (40 feet) long, and it weighs upward of seven tons. You can hide from it...
Family planning. It sounds sensible, but it’s extremely controversial. At least, in some countries. What if it wasn’t? What if the world recognized a...
Millions of years ago, all the continents were one. Waiting to crack and spread into the world we know today. Thing is, Earth’s ground is constantly moving. So how about...
Eight legs, eight eyes, sharp fangs, and bullet-proof webs. They’re hairy, they’re scary, and now, they’re human-sized. As many as 427 million people...
Black holes are dark, matter-devouring balls of gravity. Most of them are so far away that we don’t need to worry about them. But not this one. Meet Gaia BH1. This...
Imagine a world where you’re not even human. You can create universes with ease and control time. This could be a reality in an incredibly advanced, and I mean an...