The Amazon rainforest stretches for millions of kilometers, hiding ancient tribes, animals and maybe something else. What if under this mysterious canopy lies an...
Are you tired of cramped city-living? Then anti-gravity might be for you! Do you want to soar effortlessly over traffic jams, while the drivers below you lose their...
Imagine the possibilities that would come with living forever! You could spend more time with loved ones, master a variety of careers, and travel the entire world! If...
You have a weight problem. And it’s not just you, it’s everyone! That’s just how life is on Earth 2.0. Double the density, double the gravity...
Our Solar System is plunging into chaos. Better hang on tight. The planets are getting knocked out of orbit. What could kickstart this epic chain of events? How would...
The monkeys have revolted. And not just with brute strength or violence. Primates have finally outsmarted humankind once and for all. It’s their planet now. How...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] You’ve seen it in the movies and read about it in books, but now the idea of creating artificial life in a...
What if instead of shining brightly for another 5 billion years, the only star in our Solar System turned into a dark and cold remnant? A black dwarf. How long...
Are you one of those people who hate these little crawling things? Or maybe these ones with stingers creep you out more?
In five billion years, we’re gonna have a hefty problem on our hands. Well, only if we’re still living on Earth at this point. Our Sun will be on the brink...
Could Thor actually punch the Hulk without knocking himself over?
What if we weren’t the dominant species on this planet? What if we had to compete with every other species on Earth? We are outnumbered. We are surrounded. And our...
Cities have been named after it, economies have been built on it, wars have been fought over it, your life depends on it. Salt may be the most important, and the most...
How about we rip the United States and Mexico apart from each other, geographically speaking? It would open up new trade routes that would make a ton of money for both...
Volcanos, the ultimate natural force of destruction. They’re unforgiving, uncompromising and unstoppable. About 1,500 volcanoes around the world are considered to be...
Having your business meeting in a forest. Making a sales call on the beach. Or accounting at the top of a mountain. This could be your reality if you could work anywhere...
When it comes to planets in our Solar System’s habitable zone, one world is too close to the Sun, another is too far and Earth is just right. But maybe things...
Every 75 years, a ball of fire streaks across the sky. But that’s no fireball. It’s Halley’s Comet. And you’re about to hitch a ride on it. Get...
In 1044, the Chinese invented gunpowder. And we’ve been getting into trouble ever since. Fireworks are cool, nuclear warfare is not. And nuking the moon...
Watch your head. Some seriously big asteroids are crashing into Earth. What kinds of shapes and sizes do they have? Which ones would have the deadliest impact? And which...