What If Mars Had Rings Like Saturn?

Scientists theorize that many millions of years ago, Mars had rings, just like Saturn. And it looks like the red planet could be due for a new set of rings in the future...

What If the Kraken Was Real?

“Below the thunders of the upper deep, Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea, his ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep The Kraken sleepeth” That’s right. It’s...

What If We Killed All Mosquitoes?

They’re the deadliest thing on Earth. They suck your blood and spread disease, killing nearly one million people each year. Are we talking about vampires? Lions...

What If It Rained Acid?

Buildings are being destroyed, animals are dying, and trees are not able to grow. All because of rain? Wait, I thought we needed this stuff. Well, it’s not just...

What If It Rained Diamonds?

Some places in the Solar System have some pretty expensive rain falling on their surface. Let’s see if we could bring those home. What would it take for Earth to...