Scroll down for the quiz! There is an invisible force protecting us, keeping our atmosphere in place. Without it, life on Earth would be over very quickly. I’ll...
Where did COVID-19 come from? Some think it originated in this Wuhan wet market. While others think it comes from bats. But could it be possible that COVID-19 was made...
Moving is never easy. The packing and unpacking, having to start fresh and make new friends, all this can be challenging. Let’s face it, whether it’s a nasty...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] If you could travel faster than the speed of light, where would you go? Mars? The nearest star system Alpha Centauri...
With the cost of living soaring, an economic crisis, and wages that can’t be stretched enough to provide an enjoyable life, people are worried about their finances now...
The ground around the Empire State Building appears to be sinking. This historic landmark is about to get lost in a giant pit. And you will be coming down with it. If a...
When you look at the Earth from space, you don’t see the 241 countries and territories that we’ve divided ourselves into. You don’t see the boundaries...
What if all the Earth’s land became ocean, and all the oceans became land? And what if our mountains turned into deep trenches, while the trenches grew to the...
We’ve talked about settling on the Moon, Mars and even Venus. But how about somewhere that’s cold, dark and smells like farts? Uranus. What would conditions be like on...
On average, over 8000 people die each year in the U.S. because they can’t get an organ transplant. What if we could actually rebuild our failing organs? That...
The moon has been our friendly neighbour in the sky for billions of years. It has guided us home, kept us on time, protected us, propelled us into space and has even...
Take a deep breath. We take 23,000 breaths a day; trying to get oxygen to our brain and cells. Oxygen is essential to our survival. But it’s a only small...
The abstract world of philosophy is interesting. From stoicism, to nihilism, to absurdism, there are many different schools of thought trying to teach us how to think...
Contrary to what some people think, the Earth isn’t the center of the Universe. But what if it was? What if those medieval astronomers were right, and everything...
While it might be nice to avoid any dangerous confrontations on your wilderness walks, life without wildlife would be pretty boring. If we didn’t have animals...
Are you tired of cramped city-living? Then anti-gravity might be for you! Do you want to soar effortlessly over traffic jams, while the drivers below you lose their...
Imagine your bedroom infested with these tiny bugs. But, what if they were the same size as us? How much blood would a giant bed bug drink? How fast could they take over...
Billions of years from now, the Sun will become a red giant. And then, it will slowly die. That’s right. It’s the end of the Solar System, and this is your survival...
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln Even if the world today is more...
In some of the wealthiest corners of the world, the very rich are putting their money towards building underground bunkers to survive the apocalypse. These subterranean...