What If We Settled on an Exoplanet?

Are you looking for a change of scenery? Are you tired of boring old Earth? How would you like a new home away from home? Really far away from home. Like outside our...

What If We Killed All Snakes?

These slithering creatures can live in the smallest corners of your home and the darkest places you don’t dare visit. Well, not anymore, because today we’re...

What If Cthulhu Was Real?

The night is dark and stormy at the beach. A crowd prays to the thunder in the skies. All hail the god of chaos, who sleeps no more. Cthulhu, the great, green, bringer...

What If We Had Thermal Vision?

Imagine a world where we didn’t need any lights, where we could detect diseases just by looking at someone, and literally see right through people’s...

What If Dogs Didn’t Exist?

[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] Humans have many friends in the animal kingdom, but when it comes to crowning a best friend, dogs are the consensus...

What If We Moved the Solar System?

Moving is never easy. The packing and unpacking, having to start fresh and make new friends, all this can be challenging. Let’s face it, whether it’s a nasty...