[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] In today’s interconnected world, we’re constantly barraged by conflicting information on what we should...
Imagine an ultimate road trip across the globe. On a highway along the equator. Wait, there is no highway along the equator… yet. So how about we build one? What...
Welcome to the Solar System construction zone. Today you’ll be using our cosmic sandbox to build a brand new planet. What would you need to create a rocky planet like...
This bug can survive anything, except maybe the bottom of your shoe. But what would happen if we squished every cockroach on Earth? How would this affect the food chain...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] Reports suggest that by the year 2030, 800 million jobs will be lost to automation. Will yours be one of them? We...
There’s a giant, peanut-shaped object orbiting the Sun, and it’s name is Halley’s comet. Like all comets, it’s a cosmic mashup of frozen ice, gases, and dust...
What would happen if you put a couple of physicists in a room with a rope, a box and a black hole? They might come up with a plan to power the Earth for centuries. Black...
It’s about to get Old Testament here. What if the creepiest, crawliest, most catastrophic member of the Plagues of Egypt made an unexpected housecall? And decided your...
What if we are not alone? There are so many secrets that making contact with alien life could reveal. The only problem is, we have no way of getting in touch with them...
Space has lots of different things in it. Planets, nebulas, asteroids, the list goes on. So what would happen if we got rid of a single planet? Specifically, our largest...
In the beginning, there was nothing. Well, except for you. And the Big Bang. What would the first moments of the Universe be like? What would happen over the next...
Imagine an entire network of flying cars zooming around 2,000 meters (6,561 feet) above our congested city streets. Your morning commute would be a lot different up...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] The Earth sits comfortably in its orbit tilted on its axis at 23 degrees. Knock the planet over – and it...
On December 25th, 2021, NASA launched the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope. Hubble has provided and continues to provide us with...
Welcome to Jurassic World. In real life. Let’s bring back some of the most dangerous creatures to ever roam the Earth. What could go wrong? Right? How would we be able...
Power up the WHAT IF time machine because today, you’re traveling back to witness the most radical changes ever known in Earth’s history. You’ll watch...
What if Earth’s orbit ventured as far from the Sun as Pluto, and got as close to it as Venus? Would the Sun burn the planet to a crisp at the closest...
A team of Russian scientists is working hard to resurrect this quintessential Ice Age behemoth. But what if they never disappeared in the first place, and still roamed...
Some places in the Solar System have some pretty expensive rain falling on their surface. Let’s see if we could bring those home. What would it take for Earth to...
Imagine Earth covered in thick sheets of ice. And sea levels so low you could walk to a different continent. This is what our planet would look like during an ice age...