Is it true that a barking dog never bites? Are you willing to take your chances with this angry beast? Sure, you might think you know what to do if a dog tries to attack you, but something as simple as staring directly at this vicious animal could turn a bad situation into a deadly one.

A dog can be a human’s best friend but don’t be fooled by that innocent face. Those sharp teeth kill more than 25,000 people every year. Although it might seem unprovoked, numerous things can trigger a canine to attack.

Fear, feeling territorial about its food or even pain. Now you’re face-to-face with a growling dog with its tail between its legs and crouching low. It looks ready to pounce, but what will happen next will depend on what you do. Or don’t do. Why shouldn’t you try to kick a dog? Why is screaming a bad idea? What article of clothing could save your life?

Number 5. Don’t Put Yourself in Harm’s Way

In December of 2021, Jacqueline Durand, a dog sitter from Texas, was hired to care for a pit bull and a mixed-breed German shepherd while their owners were out of town. On their front door was an ominously written ‘beware of dogs’ sign. But the 22-year-old had previously met the two canines and she felt safe.

As soon as the dog sitter unlocked the door to enter the house, the two dogs viciously attacked her. They mauled her body, chewing her ears, lips and nose completely off in the process.

Number 4. Don’t Scream

When an aggressive dog has set its sights on you, it can be one of the scariest moments of your life. Screaming for help or shouting at the dog might be your first reaction. But that’s a huge mistake. A loud noise would only agitate the already stressed-out dog. You will scare them more, making them likelier to snap. If you want to convince a dog that you aren’t a threat, you can firmly tell it to sit or stay and they might respond to a common command. That will slow it down for a moment.

Number 3. Don’t Move

You’re dealing with a visibly angry animal and you want to defend yourself. Don’t you dare try to kick it away. You just gave it another target to bite into. Those fangs are just what you need to stay away from, so your flailing limbs won’t help you survive. If the dog grabs your foot and you’re wearing shoes, with any luck it will remove it. It might be satisfied enough to rip your footwear to shreds since it smells like you and leave your feet attached.

Number 2. Don’t Make Eye Contact

Nothing like a staring contest to unintentionally challenge a dog to a duel. No, you won’t intimidate it. You’ll be seen as a threat that needs to be dealt with. Instead, look at the ground and stand still. Hopefully, it won’t find you a worthy opponent and will leave you alone.

Number 1. Don’t Jump

Any sudden movements can be startling to a dog and only make things worse. So jumping up and down is not an option. But if there’s a fence you could scale or a table you could reach then get yourself to higher ground and put some distance between you and Fido. That was intense. You’ll need time to recover. Maybe a dog is not your ideal pet. You might be better off adopting a cute, cuddly cat. Oh, wait, those can be deadly too. A

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