What If Earth Was a Pulsar Planet?

Something is very wrong with our Sun. It’s turned into a spinning lighthouse of death. What would make the Sun so much more deadly than usual? Would there be any way...

What If America Were Split Apart?

The Big One. Those three words make locals along the West Coast of North America shudder with fear. This area is plagued by earthquakes. But hey, at least they are ready...

Dopamine Detox: Become Invincible

What if I told you that you’re an addict and you don’t even know it? Don’t worry you’re not alone, we all are, or most of us at least. And here’s a little experiment to...

What If We Lived on a Super Earth?

Scientists have discovered many planets similar to Earth beyond our solar system. These exoplanets can be up to 10 times larger than Earth, which might be ideal for our...

What If South America Disappeared?

It’s been over 200 million years since South America broke off Africa into its own continent. But now it’s behaving very strangely. It’s taking on water and going down...

What If We Built Cities on the Moon?

If you could, would you live on the Moon? Not as one of the courageous early settlers, but as a citizen of a fully-functioning Moon city. What would they be built out of...