
What If We Killed All Mosquitoes?

They’re the deadliest thing on Earth. They suck your blood and spread disease, killing nearly one million people each year. Are we talking about vampires? Lions...

What If Everyone Lived Underground?

In some of the wealthiest corners of the world, the very rich are putting their money towards building underground bunkers to survive the apocalypse. These subterranean...

The Dark Side of Only Fans

With the cost of living soaring, an economic crisis, and wages that can’t be stretched enough to provide an enjoyable life, people are worried about their finances now...

What If You Had X-Ray Vision?

Wouldn’t it be cool to see things through any wall and any door? How about seeing through your own skin? Or your dog? No, no, no, and no. Of all superhero powers...

What If You Could Ski On Mars?

Did you know that Mars has polar ice caps just like we do here on Earth? With the right technology, they might be our water source should we ever move to the red planet...

What If We Killed All Spiders?

They’re in your yard, on your walls, in your attic, and there’s probably one near you right now. The thought of these creepy crawlers might make you want to go on an...

What If We Killed All Snakes?

These slithering creatures can live in the smallest corners of your home and the darkest places you don’t dare visit. Well, not anymore, because today we’re...