
Category - Body

What If You Ate an Alien?

Are we alone in this universe? Is there intelligent life out there? Or are they living among us? Humans have wondered about aliens for centuries. But, have you ever...

What If Telepathy Were Real?

Once, your mind was a place that only you could go. But now, anyone can drop in and hear your thoughts. Mind-to-mind communication has finally arrived. How would it...

What If You Only Ate Red Meat?

Are you the one hovering around the chef at a bbq? Do you add bacon to every salad? If you’re one to give into your carnivore instincts, it makes you wonder. What...

What If You Were Swallowed by a Hippo?

Hippos are large, loud, and dangerous. They kill 500 people a year in Africa, and their attacks are vicious. So if you’re around one, keep your guard up. And don’t be...

What If You Touched Absolute Zero?

It’s about to get a little chilly in here. What’s the coldest you’ve ever been? Well today, we’re cranking that down a notch. Today, you’re heading into absolute zero...

What If You Wore 100 Layers of Makeup?

Do you know what you’re putting on your skin? Makeup can highlight your best features, smooth out imperfections, and help you feel confident. And sometimes, you’re just...