Somewhere in the far reaches of space, a giant hunk of rock is hurtling our way, just biding its time before an extinction-level impact with Earth. Before you run into...
Imagine if all the Earth’s oxygen disappeared. Not forever, just for, say, an hour? Could you hold your breath that long? What would happen to the atmosphere? And...
Ashes and smoke cover the sky. Your hometown is sieged by massive wildfires. You rush to escape. Unaware that behind you, the wind and the heat have created a monster. A...
There are 79 known moons of Jupiter. What if we move Earth into its orbit too? How would jupiter’s super strong gravity affect our lives? What would our...
The Titanosaur is no longer. As the largest animal to roam the Earth, you’d think such an impressive presence would be almost invincible. How did this titan of a...
Sandworms are gross-looking little things. Maybe a little bit cute. I almost feel bad using them as bait. What if instead of us hunting them, they were able to hunt us...
They can endure the cold reaches of space. Go without food or water for up to 30 years. And are nearly indestructible. But they’re, like, really tiny. So, there’s not a...
One minute, you’re setting up a new space station orbiting Jupiter. The next, you’re plunging right into the middle of a giant, red cyclone of death. What...
The Arctic might soon become completely ice-free. And when all of the ice is gone, the world won’t be the same. But what if I told you there was a way to prevent...
What if you could time-travel a hundred years from now. How would the planet look like? Would human beings still be in the picture? Only in the past year, our...
Scroll to the bottom to watch our video. The Earth has been hurtling towards Jupiter for the past 242 days, and now it’s about to make impact. Now we’re so...
To infinity, and beyond.
You think you’re watching TikTok, but in reality, it’s watching you. Yeah, those cute, fun little videos come at a high price. Your privacy. But now this app...
In six hours, you, your government, and 124 million other people across 14 states will be tested by the greatest disaster to ever hit the U.S. East Coast. A great wave...
Imagine your bedroom infested with these tiny bugs. But, what if they were the same size as us? How much blood would a giant bed bug drink? How fast could they take over...
Can you imagine what the world would look like if it were run by children? We all know that our youngest generations are the future of humanity, but what would happen if...
Did you know that you ladies spend about 2,300 days of your life menstruating? That amounts to about 10,400 tampons or pads, over 5,000 pills for your cramps, and about...
If you got into a spaceship, and traveled long enough and fast enough, could you eventually loop back to where you started? Assuming you don’t accidentally collide...
Imagine that the Sun is on the verge of exploding. Or that a planet-killing asteroid is headed our way. Or maybe you just want to take the entire planet on a joy ride...
In five billion years, we’re gonna have a hefty problem on our hands. Well, only if we’re still living on Earth at this point. Our Sun will be on the brink...