What If You Fell Into a Black Hole?

How much do you know about black holes? What would happen if you fell into one? Say one day you were exploring space looking for a new planet for humans to inhabit, but...

What If All Humans Were Asexual?

Look at the world around you. What do you see? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. But mostly, it’s not. Why are we so driven by sex? Has it always been this way...

What If Putin Died?

This former intelligence officer-turned-president took Russia from a defeated Cold War relic to the most feared superpower in Eurasia. Now Vladimir Putin, who many have...

What If it Rained Volcanic Glass?

This is not some harmless hair. It’s volcanic glass and it could turn your life into an itchy, blistering existence. Uh oh. Looks like today’s forecast is volcanic...

What If the Oceans Lose Oxygen?

Isn’t it beautiful? Look at this cutie! Enjoy it while you can. Because if we don’t act right now, in less than 80 years, we won’t be able to...