Earth can be full of extremes. But today, there is only one extreme. Non-stop earthquakes that last an entire year. What would it be like to live under such shaky...
Look out. There’s an object hurtling toward Earth at the speed of light! And no, it’s not a comet or an asteroid. Yep. It’s a marshmallow. How could a marshmallow ever...
What if you could time-travel a hundred years from now. How would the planet look like? Would human beings still be in the picture? Only in the past year, our...
Say hello to the future of home security: the self-shielding house! I know you’re probably thinking, “why would I need so much protection? If I’m in...
This star is about to transform into a black hole. And we’re about to travel inside it to see what’s on the other side. The only problem is that we’ll...
Our planet has survived the billions of years of catastrophic events that made it the world we live on now. But one day, there will be an event so disastrous that it...
Scroll down to watch the video. It’s the largest star that we’ve ever discovered: UY Scuti. And if it were to replace our Sun, it would change a lot more...
You just fell into a pool with this thing. What is this? How would falling in here affect your health? And could you actually survive this? This is a spent nuclear fuel...
As the nukes dropped on every major city around the globe, everyone sought shelter, but there was nowhere to hide. In an instant, civilization as we knew it was...
There’s a deadly 40,000 km (29,400 mi)-long zone that passes through 15 countries. This area is dotted with volcanoes, giving it the name The Ring of Fire. And...
How much water would you need to extinguish the Sun? How would we deliver such an enormous amount of water anyway? Would all that water even make it to the star...
As thrill-seekers, we like to do a lot of extreme, gravity-defying stunts to push our limits. If base jumping or caving is your thing, how about taking a tumble all the...
It’s been 100 Earth years since you settled on Mars. You’ve been through pain, loneliness and a lot of hard work. And now Mars is the new promised land everyone...
Welcome to hell. Sorry, I meant Venus. Some say it’s Earth’s twin. But this world is nothing like home. And you’re about to experience this scorching...
“All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher. – Ambrose Bierce” Reading philosophy isn’t fun. It’s a slow process that requires...
The year is 2040. You hunker down with your fellow human survivors, listening for the sound of your enemy. The cyber-bugs have taken over. How did this happen? What...
Welcome to Jurassic World. In real life. Let’s bring back some of the most dangerous creatures to ever roam the Earth. What could go wrong? Right? How would we be able...
At first, it’s very bright. But then, as your eyes adjust to the light, you start to piece together your surroundings. The moving blobs above you, you realize, are...
Imagine looking up into the night sky and seeing not one but 79 different moons beaming back at you. What would this new night sky look like? How would this affect the...
No one knows exactly what to expect if we encountered other forms of alien life. Would they talk like us? Look like us? Or would they be completely different? What if...