Category - Cosmos

What If You Owned a Time Machine?

Imagine being able to travel to any point in time. Where would you go, and what would you do? You could witness some of the greatest moments in history or even change...

What If You Met a Time Traveler?

If time travel is possible, why haven’t we met a single time traveler yet? And if we did meet one, how would we know they weren’t faking it? What would their...

What If We Extinguished the Sun?

How much water would you need to extinguish the Sun? How would we deliver such an enormous amount of water anyway? Would all that water even make it to the star...

What If You Had a Cosmic Twin?

What if there was another version of you? Somewhere out there in the Universe. A you that could be anything. Imagine a version of you where you’re the Batman. Or...