Category - Earth

What If Oceans Were Liquid Mercury?

What’s shiny, liquid, conducts electricity and is also the surname of a legendary rock star? You guessed it, mercury. This naturally occurring element has a lot of...

What If Jupiter Swallowed Earth?

Scroll to the bottom to watch our video. The Earth has been hurtling towards Jupiter for the past 242 days, and now it’s about to make impact. Now we’re so...

What If Two Hurricanes Collided?

Intense rainfall. Winds of 120 km/h (75mph) or higher. Storm surge. These are the signs of a hurricane. During its reign of terror, a hurricane can release as much...

What If It Rained Diamonds?

Some places in the Solar System have some pretty expensive rain falling on their surface. Let’s see if we could bring those home. What would it take for Earth to...