Volcanos, the ultimate natural force of destruction. They’re unforgiving, uncompromising and unstoppable. About 1,500 volcanoes around the world are considered to be...
Could a black hole devour us all one day? There are millions of them out there just waiting. And if we happened to make a black hole accidentally, well, you better...
Welcome to your new landfill: a giant ball of burning gas that we call the Sun. With surface temperatures of 5500°C (9,940°F), it could obliterate any type of trash we...
2020 has been one of the worst years in human history. It’s been strange, confusing, and often terrifying. But what if when the clock strikes midnight on December...
Having your business meeting in a forest. Making a sales call on the beach. Or accounting at the top of a mountain. This could be your reality if you could work anywhere...
This is the Sun. And this is a neutron star. But don’t let its size fool you. Neutron stars are massive gravitational monsters, and orbiting one wouldn’t end...
There’s nothing worse than a sleepless night. We’ve all been there. Tossing and turning, you focus all your mental power on trying to fall asleep. With all your will...
Space is full of treasures. Literally. If we were able to extract the resources from the rocks in the asteroid belt alone, we could give $100 billion to every...
The current coronavirus crisis is a difficult time for all of us. We want you, our fans and your loved ones, to be informed about the coronavirus and what you can do to...
You might have heard that all dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago when a 15 km wide asteroid crashed into Earth and caused a mass extinction event. But that...
Imagine if Earth suddenly lost an entire continent. North America wouldn’t just vanish off the face of the planet, of course. Instead, it would sink into the...
This rogue star has been traveling the Universe. And now, it’s finally entering our Solar System. But this isn’t just any regular star. It’s known as a...
In 1850, 94% of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty. Today, we’ve managed to bring that number down to roughly 10%. And if this trend continues...
Make room, earthling. We’re moving the other planets in our Solar System into our planetary neck of the woods. Would all the planets fit into this Goldilocks zone? What...
Black holes are one of the most devastating objects in space, sucking up everything around them. But there’s another space phenomenon that’s just as...
That star at the center of our Solar System, that superhot ball of plasma that gives us heat and energy, and amazing complexions… well, it’s a ticking time...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] Welcome to a world of teleportation! Where you can wake up in a remote corner of the world, teleport to work in...
Look out. There’s an object hurtling toward Earth at the speed of light! And no, it’s not a comet or an asteroid. Yep. It’s a marshmallow. How could a marshmallow ever...
You’re in the deepest part of our oceans. The Mariana Trench. Suddenly, your sub experiences an earthquake. And when you look outside, you see the terrifying...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] On average, you produce just over 2 kgs (4.4 lbs) of waste each day. That may not sound like a whole lot, but...