
What If Jupiter Swallowed Earth?

Scroll to the bottom to watch our video. The Earth has been hurtling towards Jupiter for the past 242 days, and now it’s about to make impact. Now we’re so...

What If We Created No Waste?

In the Pacific Ocean, north of the equator, there’s a growing, “floating island” of trash that’s twice the size of Texas, and three times the...

What If You Could Stop Time?

[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] If you had a device designed to freeze time for everything but you, life wouldn’t be anything like what...

What If Mammoths Never Went Extinct?

A team of Russian scientists is working hard to resurrect this quintessential Ice Age behemoth. But what if they never disappeared in the first place, and still roamed...

What If We Had Thermal Vision?

Imagine a world where we didn’t need any lights, where we could detect diseases just by looking at someone, and literally see right through people’s...

What If Giant Bugs Roamed the Earth?

Have you ever felt a surge of adrenaline when you stomped on a bug? Well, imagine how this guy is about to feel. Call the army, heck, call your mom, because the end is...

What If You Lit a Match on Jupiter?

Uh-oh. Looks like somebody left the gas running on Jupiter. Don’t do anything stupid, like lighting a humongous match. What would a match need to be made of to ignite...