At any moment of any day, the odds are that someone around the world is having an orgasm. We don’t really like to talk about them, but they’re an integral...
What if all the oceans disappeared from the Earth’s surface? What would a world with no high seas look like? What would happen to all the creatures that...
Where do they come from? How do we get rid of them? And how much drama is a poltergeist going to cause me? OK, so exactly what is a poltergeist? Well, a poltergeist is a...
Trees are falling, eco-systems are collapsing, and our infrastructure is crumbling. Crops are failing, and water is scarce. Earth is becoming a dead planet. On the plus...
Have you ever wondered what dinosaurs were afraid of? What creature, in the Cretaceous period, made taking a drink of water a dangerous gamble? I’m talking about...
It starts with a simple cough, and before you know it, millions of people are infected. And it won’t stop there. It could keep growing and growing until billions...
Tyrannosaurus Rex. King of the tyrant lizards. It’s 6 meters tall (20 feet), 12 meters (40 feet) long, and it weighs upward of seven tons. You can hide from it...
How would you feel if this never ended? Despite all of the masks, tests, and vaccinations, there is no guarantee that COVID-19 will ever disappear. But stick with me on...
What if everyone on the planet coordinated to perform the biggest “flush mob” in history? Pushing all the wastewater in the world down the drain, all at once...
One task, you have. Find Baby Yoda, you must. The tracking fob, guide you it will. Where, begin your search, would you? It sounds like an easy task. But we...
Settling on the Moon or Mars may be all the buzz. But how about we all move to an icy dwarf planet in the middle of the Solar System? To Ceres. What would make this a...
Buckle up. We’re going to take the orbit of this rock and kick it into high gear. Behold the Moon breaking its planetary speed limit. How would this event flood...
What if the Moon suddenly began getting closer to Earth? To the point where it was on a collision course with our planet? Would the Earth survive the crash?
This giant rock lights up the night and can even change colors. So what would we do without it?
Nearly 800 million light-years away, something has been forming. Scientists aren’t exactly sure what it is but have dubbed it ‘the black neutron star.’...
For over half a century, we’ve searched for radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. But it’s, been, well, a little quiet. Are they ignoring us? Or...
The current coronavirus crisis is a difficult time for all of us. We want you, our fans and your loved ones, to be informed about the coronavirus and what you can do to...
If only there were a simple trick to stop a massive volcano from spewing out lava. Like maybe plugging it up with good old concrete. A massive volcanic explosion sends...
What if all the Earth’s land became ocean, and all the oceans became land? And what if our mountains turned into deep trenches, while the trenches grew to the...
What if you could time-travel a hundred years from now. How would the planet look like? Would human beings still be in the picture? Only in the past year, our...