In 1044, the Chinese invented gunpowder. And we’ve been getting into trouble ever since. Fireworks are cool, nuclear warfare is not. And nuking the moon...
The ground around the Empire State Building appears to be sinking. This historic landmark is about to get lost in a giant pit. And you will be coming down with it. If a...
It’s a small world after all, because today, we’re shrinking Earth to the size of Pluto. But if our planet was this tiny, how would it alter the atmosphere...
In 2018, Apple became the world’s first trillion-dollar company. To this day, there are just five companies in the world worth over a trillion dollars. To put into...
Eight legs, eight eyes, sharp fangs, and bullet-proof webs. They’re hairy, they’re scary, and now, they’re human-sized. As many as 427 million people...
Imagine a world of endless possibilities. A world where every decision you make splits reality in half. And then the next decision splits it into another half. And then...
The world gets 80% of its energy from fossil fuels. But based on our current levels of consumption, we could run out of oil and gas in the next 50 years. And in 100...
“Sleep is good. Death is better. Yet surely, never to have been born is best.” These lines close a 17th-century poem by German writer Heinrich Heine. The...
On our hypothetical journey, we’ve already tested out living on a flat Earth, a cubical Earth, even a hollow Earth. What do you say we try to survive on an Earth...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] Food is scarce. Money is worthless. Riots are everywhere. The world is in chaos. This isn’t our past...
Look out. There’s an object hurtling toward Earth at the speed of light! And no, it’s not a comet or an asteroid. Yep. It’s a marshmallow. How could a marshmallow ever...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse. Unlike in the movie, you don’t have to say it three times to make it...
Do you love Jupiter? Do you love it so much that you could look at it every day? I hope so. Because it just took the Moon’s place, and Earth will never be the same...
So, what exactly is hot ice? Well, it’s simple. It’s made by boiling baking soda, vinegar, and a little bit of water. From that, you get sodium acetate...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] What if…. you could swim in Titan’s lakes? Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is unique. It has its own...
At any moment of any day, the odds are that someone around the world is having an orgasm. We don’t really like to talk about them, but they’re an integral...
How big is the Sun compared to the Earth? Imagine you were able to shrink the Sun to the size of a basketball. At that point, the Earth would be reduced to the...
How much do you know about black holes? What would happen if you fell into one? Say one day you were exploring space looking for a new planet for humans to inhabit, but...
In a galaxy far away, gravity didn’t quite work the way it does on Earth. And the speed at which everything moved was really weird too. Maybe, some places in our...
Make room, earthling. We’re moving the other planets in our Solar System into our planetary neck of the woods. Would all the planets fit into this Goldilocks zone? What...