
How to Survive a Mega Tornado

It’s a cloudy afternoon, perfect to relax, watching the rain from the couch. But wait. What’s that in the sky? Is that a tornado? Oh, yes, but this is a Mega Tornado and...

How to Survive Eating Mold

Um mold. What? Yup, some mold is delicious, like the one in blue cheese. But what about that strawberry you just bit into, what is that strange flavor? Could that be...

What If the Sun Swallowed Earth?

The Sun’s core is shrinking. But as its core shrinks, the Sun itself grows larger. And it will continue to grow, until one day, it engulfs the Earth. How long can you...

How to Survive Murder Hornets

There’s that oh-so-familiar sound off in the distance. It seems pretty far away, so there’s not much to worry about. Wait! It’s getting louder. Should...

What If You Never Stopped Growing?

We all know that growing up can come with its aches and pains. But at a certain point, our genes flip the switch, and our bodies stop growing. I know, I know, it’s...