
What If There Were No Police?

Say hello to the future of home security: the self-shielding house! I know you’re probably thinking, “why would I need so much protection? If I’m in...

What If We Killed All Spiders?

They’re in your yard, on your walls, in your attic, and there’s probably one near you right now. The thought of these creepy crawlers might make you want to go on an...

What If You Lived on Kepler 22-b?

635 light-years from where you are sitting, way out in outer space, lies a planet. The first planet to be discovered inside the habitable zone of a Sun-like star. Its...

What If the Oceans Lose Oxygen?

Isn’t it beautiful? Look at this cutie! Enjoy it while you can. Because if we don’t act right now, in less than 80 years, we won’t be able to...