
What If Mt. Fuji Exploded Tomorrow?

Day X has arrived. Mount Fuji, Japan’s most famous volcano, is erupting for the first time in 300 years. It’s raining ash, lava and toxic gases down on the world’s...

What If You Had a Cosmic Twin?

What if there was another version of you? Somewhere out there in the Universe. A you that could be anything. Imagine a version of you where you’re the Batman. Or...

What If You Ate Uranium?

[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] In today’s interconnected world, we’re constantly barraged by conflicting information on what we should...

The Desire to Not Exist

“Sleep is good. Death is better. Yet surely, never to have been born is best.” These lines close a 17th-century poem by German writer Heinrich Heine. The...

What If Earth Froze Overnight?

Overnight, our planet has gone from a pale blue dot to a glistening white snowglobe. Stretches of Earth have become frozen wastelands that are completely inhospitable...

What If We Had To Evacuate Earth?

An asteroid races towards Earth. In 6 months, the world as we know it will be obliterated. What do you do? Is there time to evacuate? What would it take? And where would...

What If Earth Was As Big As the Sun?

Trees are falling, eco-systems are collapsing, and our infrastructure is crumbling. Crops are failing, and water is scarce. Earth is becoming a dead planet. On the plus...