Scroll down to watch our video. It can instantly cause severe burns on your skin. It can even dissolve things like limestone and concrete. This is battery acid. Now...
In 7.5 billion years, the Sun will expand and engulf our planet, destroying all life as we know it. Of course, a mass extinction on Earth could happen much sooner than...
Children of the night, what music they make. That’s right, we’re talking about the nocturnal flying mammals, bats. Besides being a source of Halloween inspiration, the...
Your body is shaking and you’re feeling nauseous. There’s a sharp pain in your chest, and with each passing moment, it gets harder and harder to breathe. And...
UVC. It’s an incredibly powerful form of ultraviolet light that’s beamed from the Sun. It’s so powerful that it can give you a sunburn in seconds. And...
Scroll down to watch our video. It’s delicious, it’s packed with protein and fat… and a driver of global climate change? That’s right, this is beef. But what if...
Mark Twain once said…Well, Mark Twain said a lot of things but in this particular context, his “it’s difficult to make predictions, particularly about...
Imagine an enormous football stranded in the Solar System. I mean, the Earth shaped like one. What could cause our planet to change its shape so drastically? And what...
It helps kill bacteria and viruses, can be set on fire, and can even get you drunk. This is hand sanitizer. This gooey substance is normally meant for our hands, but...
Scroll down to watch our video. Unless you’re an astronaut, you probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about gravity. We all take gravity for granted...
What if we are not alone? There are so many secrets that making contact with alien life could reveal. The only problem is, we have no way of getting in touch with them...
Scroll down to watch our video. Found in the Amazon rivers, instead of biting or stinging their prey, these creatures release up to 600 volts of electricity. This is the...