After 2,250 medical trials, involving 380,000 patient volunteers, your wishes and your prayers have finally been answered: we found a cure for cancer. What if that were...
If the Universe is full of stars, why doesn’t it appear white? And if it did, what would that look like? Would all the black holes suddenly become visible? And if...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] You’ve heard all the scary rumors surrounding vaccines: they cause autism, they contain toxins. Even that they...
This is the Universe. And this little dot here is the Earth. And this is a Big Bounce coming up, and it’s about to squash our planet. Yikes. How long would we have...
When you hear the word psychopath, what comes to mind? Serial killers? Members of the mafia? Hardened criminals? What if I told you psychopaths are also surgeons...
There are 3.8 billion women on Earth. There were 3.9 billion men. But now, it’s just you…and your phone won’t stop ringing. Is this a fantasy? A...
How much do you know about black holes? What would happen if you fell into one? Say one day you were exploring space looking for a new planet for humans to inhabit, but...
I hope you’ve packed some ice skates for your next trip out to sea because the oceans have completely frozen over. What conditions could cause this massive...
Humans have been evolving for the past six million years. But something’s gone terribly wrong. And now we are evolving backward. Once this process began, how long...
Imagine if one day you looked up into the night sky, and saw Mars or Saturn where the Moon was supposed to be. That would sure turn our Earth into an alien world. And...
Something strange is happening on the outskirts of our Solar System. It could be a large, mysterious planet. Or, it could be a black hole. How big would this black hole...
These balls represent one of the strangest phenomena currently taking place in our Universe. Each ball symbolizes one of 100,000 galaxies — including our own...
What if you took your school assignment to the next level and decided to collect physical samples of as many elements as possible?
The world you know no longer exists. Your family, friends, and neighbors are gone. Outside, horrific zombie-like creatures roam the streets. And if you breathe in their...
Imagine a world of endless possibilities. A world where every decision you make splits reality in half. And then the next decision splits it into another half. And then...
Welcome to Jurassic World. In real life. Let’s bring back some of the most dangerous creatures to ever roam the Earth. What could go wrong? Right? How would we be able...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] Humans have many friends in the animal kingdom, but when it comes to crowning a best friend, dogs are the consensus...
Since its discovery in 1610 by Galileo, the rings of Saturn have enchanted us for centuries. Remarkably, we’ve visited Saturn before. Stunning photographs taken...
Deep frying a turkey can often times be incredibly dangerous. So why don’t we try a different cooking method? Let’s send our turkey up into space, and have...
Imagine traveling at the speed of an airplane, but on ground level, and in a giant tube. That’s the idea behind the Hyperloop, a network of incredibly fast...