What If We Find a Cure for Cancer?

After 2,250 medical trials, involving 380,000 patient volunteers, your wishes and your prayers have finally been answered: we found a cure for cancer. What if that were...

What If We Stopped Vaccinations?

[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] You’ve heard all the scary rumors surrounding vaccines: they cause autism, they contain toxins. Even that they...

What If the Universe Is Bouncing?

This is the Universe. And this little dot here is the Earth. And this is a Big Bounce coming up, and it’s about to squash our planet. Yikes. How long would we have...

What If You Fell Into a Black Hole?

How much do you know about black holes? What would happen if you fell into one? Say one day you were exploring space looking for a new planet for humans to inhabit, but...

What If Our Oceans Froze?

  I hope you’ve packed some ice skates for your next trip out to sea because the oceans have completely frozen over. What conditions could cause this massive...

What If Humans Evolved Backward?

Humans have been evolving for the past six million years. But something’s gone terribly wrong. And now we are evolving backward. Once this process began, how long...

The Last of Us in Real Life

The world you know no longer exists. Your family, friends, and neighbors are gone. Outside, horrific zombie-like creatures roam the streets. And if you breathe in their...

What If the Multiverse Was Real?

Imagine a world of endless possibilities. A world where every decision you make splits reality in half. And then the next decision splits it into another half. And then...

What If Dogs Didn’t Exist?

[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] Humans have many friends in the animal kingdom, but when it comes to crowning a best friend, dogs are the consensus...