Contrary to what some people think, the Earth isn’t the center of the Universe. But what if it was? What if those medieval astronomers were right, and everything...
What if you found out that you had a long-lost relative? And what if that long-lost relative was from a different planet in our galaxy? And what if this faraway planet...
Starbucks could save the Amazon rainforest. Okay, maybe not completely, but it could help the Amazon rainforest regrow. And all Starbucks would need to do is dump some...
Can you imagine what the world would look like if it were run by children? We all know that our youngest generations are the future of humanity, but what would happen if...
Let’s be honest, we are pushing our planet to a climate change catastrophe. But there could be a solution. 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water...
Human history has been full of battles and wars, some big and some small. But if World War 3 were to happen, it might be humanity’s biggest battle yet. Advanced...
How would you feel if this never ended? Despite all of the masks, tests, and vaccinations, there is no guarantee that COVID-19 will ever disappear. But stick with me on...
[dx_custom_adunit mobile_id=”RTK_v1lP”] On average, you produce just over 2 kgs (4.4 lbs) of waste each day. That may not sound like a whole lot, but...
We all know our time here is limited. But we don’t know by how much. Are we better off not knowing when we’ll die? Or would a countdown help us all to lead...
If you traveled to the deepest points of Earth, what would you find? Lost cities, mythical sea monsters, rivers of gold? Probably not. But there is still a lot to...
Imagine being able to sunbathe all day long. But instead of getting a nice tan to show off… You turn green! And get lazier. Don’t worry. It’s not the...
Imagine what it would be like if you could wake up in your New York City apartment at 7:00 a.m., and make it to your job in London, England by 9:30 in the morning. That...
The monkeys have revolted. And not just with brute strength or violence. Primates have finally outsmarted humankind once and for all. It’s their planet now. How...
The Universe is a mind-boggling place. Actually, I’m not even sure I can call it a place. NASA says the Universe is everything, but what they really mean is that it...
Humans have been evolving for the past six million years. But something’s gone terribly wrong. And now we are evolving backward. Once this process began, how long...
Ah. The Sun. So bright. So hot. Time to jump into your super heat-resistant spaceship and get so close you could touch it. If you dare. How would you get to the Sun’s...
Something is very wrong with our Sun. It’s turned into a spinning lighthouse of death. What would make the Sun so much more deadly than usual? Would there be any way...
See that strip of stars splashed across the night sky? That’s our home galaxy, the Milky Way. You can see it from Earth because we live on its very outskirts, far...
Imagine striking a match and having everything around you catch on fire, even if you were standing in a wet forest. And while that’s happening, imagine being...
If you were going for a refreshing swim, the last thing you’d expect is to suffocate from toxic gases. But when it comes to Lake Kivu, this is one dangerous body...